Inspiration: The Game Changer

The Game ChangerThe Game Changer

 Do you know what it feels like, when you are competing in a game and the proven champion is on the other team? Feelings of inadequacy and great concerned about the competition floods your mind, since you are going up against a known winner. I imagine you will prepare in the best way possible, learn all the techniques and strategies, step up your game and give it all you have to come out on top.

 What if I tell you, that someone has already done all of that for you? He entered the game, faced your opponent and won on all levels. Jesus is the Game Changer, he is the MVP. He steps into the game of your life so you always win.  When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you changed sides. You are now on the side of the Victor of all times. He defeated sicknesses, diseases, debt, depression, suicide, fear, death, anger, hurt, pain, financial struggles and much more. It does not matter what you are encountering right now, Jesus is the Game Changer. You are on his side and He is totally on your side and triumph is on his mind. What’s on yours?

Life throws many curve ball at us, but what we do with the ball, makes all the difference. With Jesus in the game, throw him the ball by faith, and trust him. Your attitude must be one of victory, even if you feel a little defeated, pick yourself up and keep going. Tell me, if God is for you who can be against you (Romans 8:31). God is on your side, God is always working for your good so you will never be defeated (Romans 8:28). You can confidently trust the ultimate Game Changer, because he always has a winning strategy.

My pray for you today is that you will TRUST JESUS and enjoy the victory.

 Be blessed!

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!


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