Category Archives: Prayer Focus

Praise your way through it!

Praise your way through it!

You will not have to fight in this battle. Take up your position, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord  will give you (Chronicles 16-17).
Not every battle is meant for you to fight, in fact all the fighting you need to do is really worship your way through it, to take up your position, stand firm and see the salvation the Lord brings your way. Let Jehoshaphat tell you his story about the fierce battle that was brewing against him. He was greatly distressed by the armies that were coming up against Judah and Jerusalem. Instead of whimpering, he became proactive and sought God with fervency, for a plan. Jehoshaphat believed the word God sent to him, a word of comfort and assurance, that the battle was no longer theirs, but God’s. Since they didn’t have to fight, what would they do, WORSHIP? Worship their way into battle and enjoy the victory for days to come.

Jehoshaphat worshiped God in advance for His mighty deliverance. They went into battle with assurance of victory, praising God with absolute power over their foes. They did not need to fight when their enemies were already defeated. One word changed everything for Judah and Jerusalem. What about you? One word from God, changes everything and gives you a new perspective on life. Rest assured that God is totally committed to keeping his covenant with you. Victory is already paid for, signed, sealed but is waiting ON you, to be delivered TO you. Take it by faith.

I pray you walk in God confidence and your day is filled God’s goodness and victories in Jesus name.

Be blessed.

Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth!

Inspirational: Keep your eyes on Jesus

Keep your eyes on Jesus

 Matthew 14:25-31

 Jesus went out to his disciples walking on the lake. The disciples were terrified when they saw a figure walking on the water, they thought it was a ghost. But Jesus told them immediately: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”(Matthew 14:25-27).

Peter was bold enough to reply, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” (Matthew 14:28). Jesus of course said, “Come.”

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

 Peter stepped out on Jesus’ word and continued to move toward Jesus. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he was alright. But when he allowed his vision to be captured by what was surrounding him, doubt overtake him. Typically when your sight is removed from an object so does your mind.

 Go in the direction you know God is leading you. Do what God tells you to do. Start where he tells you to start. Keep your eyes on Jesus. When Peter took his eyes off his object-Jesus, he found himself in trouble.

Peter began to rely on his sight- he no longer relied on the word.You cannot push aside the word when trying times come. It was not that, the winds were not blowing on Peter, but it only affected him when he took his eyes off Jesus. Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, He will lead us into great places.

 Pray this with me

Jesus, according to your word, instruct me and teach me in the way I should go; counsel me with your loving eye on me (Psalm 32:8). Amen.

 Be blessed.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

Inspirational: What’s in your life- seeds or weeds?

The word
Guard the seeds in your heart

What’s in your life seeds or weeds?

There are seeds and weeds that grow in the same soil. The seeds are the daily word planted in our lives through the different ways we engage to receive. The weeds are the things we allow to crowd out the WORD and choke it, so it does not bring forth any fruit. Even as Christians we can allow weeds of discord, worrying, anger, problems, cares of the world to squeeze the WORD out of our hearts.

Scholars recognize two Greek words that describes Scripture, which are translated “word” in the New Testament. There is the logos, which is the whole inspired WORD of God and Jesus, who is the living WORD ( Next we have the Rhema WORD which literally means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically). The Rhema WORD is the WORD we hear or read that pertains to things in our lives that we receive by faith. This WORD however, is a seed planted in the soil of our hearts.

The important thing is, our hearts must be receptive, so when the WORD falls on it, it dies and produces life. But if we are not careful, the soil of our hearts could be over taken by the many cares of this life. Jesus said, “The worries of this life, and the deceitfulness of wealth, and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful (Mark 4:19).”

The weeds are the things we allow to come in and thwart the word, that the WORD means very little or they erode the meaning of the word completely. There are many legitimate ways the cares of life may affect the word we hear and read, but we have the power to stop that from happening to us. When we give priority to the WORD of God more than we do to all the other things that come in to crowd the WORD out, then the seeds will grow and bear much fruit. Guard the WORD in your heart with diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.

Jeremiah 23:29
“Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

Protect the soil of your heart by daily mediating on the WORD you hear and PRAYING the WORD with confidence.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

Inspiration: The Game Changer

The Game ChangerThe Game Changer

 Do you know what it feels like, when you are competing in a game and the proven champion is on the other team? Feelings of inadequacy and great concerned about the competition floods your mind, since you are going up against a known winner. I imagine you will prepare in the best way possible, learn all the techniques and strategies, step up your game and give it all you have to come out on top.

 What if I tell you, that someone has already done all of that for you? He entered the game, faced your opponent and won on all levels. Jesus is the Game Changer, he is the MVP. He steps into the game of your life so you always win.  When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, you changed sides. You are now on the side of the Victor of all times. He defeated sicknesses, diseases, debt, depression, suicide, fear, death, anger, hurt, pain, financial struggles and much more. It does not matter what you are encountering right now, Jesus is the Game Changer. You are on his side and He is totally on your side and triumph is on his mind. What’s on yours?

Life throws many curve ball at us, but what we do with the ball, makes all the difference. With Jesus in the game, throw him the ball by faith, and trust him. Your attitude must be one of victory, even if you feel a little defeated, pick yourself up and keep going. Tell me, if God is for you who can be against you (Romans 8:31). God is on your side, God is always working for your good so you will never be defeated (Romans 8:28). You can confidently trust the ultimate Game Changer, because he always has a winning strategy.

My pray for you today is that you will TRUST JESUS and enjoy the victory.

 Be blessed!

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!


Inspirational:The word of life for you today

The word of life for you today

The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will. (Isa 50:4). This day let the Lord open your ear and heart to understand his will and purpose for your life. God’s ways are perfect and his promises are absolutely sure. Today, I pray for your absolutely trust and confidence in God’s divine purpose for your life. You are the apple of his eyes.

Regardless of how it looks never throw away your confidence; because it will be richly rewarded (Hebrews 10:35).

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? ( Numbers 23:19 KJV)

Be blessed!
Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

Inspiration: You mean more to God than you know

You mean more to God than you know

“For the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance
(Deut 32:9).” This was a part of a song God instructed Moses to write for the Children of Israel, when he was about to move off the scene. This would be a reminder of what God was going to do when they walk away from him to serve other gods.

What Israel did not know, was really who they were and what they meant to God. They did not know how much God loved them and cared about their well being. Somewhat like many believers today, Israel had an identity crisis.Otherwise, they would not, pursue other gods and the culture of strange people who did not know God.

We are God’s delight, his precious creation, whether or not we reciprocate the action of delighting in the Lord. Not only is the Lord our portion, we are his portion too. We are the apple of his eye. His eyes are not filled with wrath, hate and revenge, they are filled with love, mercy, compassion and grace for his most prized possession- humanity.

Be blessed.
Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth!

The Lord’s good will toward you

The Lord’s good will toward you

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. (Prov 19:21)

The Lord’s purpose is the Lord’s WILL and His WILL is found in his word. The Lord’s will is our prosperity.
The Lord’s will is our healing.
The Lord’s will is our well-being.
The Lord’s will is our peace.
The Lord’s will is our abundant life.
The Lord’s will is our protection.

Walk in all God has purposed for your life.
Be blessed.

Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth.

Cultivate the right seeds

Cultivate the right seeds

Cultivating the seeds that God has placed in our hearts is absolutely important for our growth and security as victorious believers. God never plant seeds in our lives that produce destruction, failure, depression, sickness, hurts, frustration, defeat and death. The seeds God plants in our lives are destined to produce good spiritual fruit until Jesus comes. This seed has the power and ability to produce spiritual development and abundant life in us, but the success of this seed depends on us.

What seeds are you allowing to germinate in your life?

When you allow seeds of fear to germinate in your life, you will produce fruits of frustration, uncertainty, anger and unbelief. This negative seed is cultivated when your attention is focused on the world’s way of getting things done and not on the word. When you seek out the world’s answers and high thoughts, you will discover much fear. The world’s answers and solutions are short lived, because of the uncertainty and rapid changes in the world systems. Seeds of love, faith and the word will germinate and produce fruits of joy, peace, security, goodness and the list goes on. However, there must be fertile ground and consistent nourishment that must be given to the seed.

Sow seeds that provide good spiritual nourishment for your well-being, feed on the greatest life supply ever given to man-the incorruptible word of God.

Be Blessed.
Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!