Build up your faith!

Faith in prayerPrayer focus for the week

Jesus asked his disciples, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth (Luke18:8)?” Look all around and you will see, that this generation has more faith in the natural occurrences than in God. Jesus said in Mark 11:22 “Have faith in God”.

 Faith forms the foundation of our Christian experience

According to Heb.11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” All our praying will be in vain, when we pray in unbelief, because we are trying to gain access to God’s resources without the currency of the kingdom and that is faith. Jesus makes mention of a faithless generation simply because man has drifted from faith in God to faith in systems. Faith is not based on what the natural eye can see and the mind can understand, the basis of faith is God. In him all things consist that which is visible and invisible. Therefore, we will not be disappointed when we place all our confidence in God. This is definitely a place where we can put all our eggs in one basket and not be afraid.

 Your faith is tested daily

 Sometimes it may feel like you are lacking in faith in some situations or at a certain point in your life. This is the point where, Jude admonishes you to build yourself up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit (Jude 20 ). Praying in the Spirit builds your faith in God.  The inner man is made stronger and being renewed day by day. Wouldn’t you prefer to be strong in your inner being, so you are empowered to live victoriously? Yes, everyone wants live victorious lives, no one wants to be defeated all the time. Then start building up your faith and confidence in God.

 Practice praying in the spirit daily

Pray in the spirit anytime, whether; during devotions in the morning, taking a shower, preparing meals, traveling on the road, facing financial crisis, fighting sicknesses and diseases or facing a situation that you need wisdom for.  Pray in the spirit before you are required to respond to anything. Ask God to reveal the mystery that you may have absolutely no clue about, to enlighten your understanding about the situation.

Build up your faith in the word by Feeding yourself with the bread of life daily

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Rom. 10:17). Hearing the word day in and day out makes the difference in your belief system. God cannot be separated from his word. From the beginning God created the heavens and the earth by his spoken word. John 1:1- 3 says; “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” What God said, is exactly  what God meant. He is true to his word and He will honor it.  We are given a choice to either believe it or refuse it. Good sense says; believe the word- it works, it is forever settled in heaven and established in the earth.

Deliberately put the word in your ear, and eye gates daily, the same way you put the media broadcast in. Do not neglect times in the word. Give God’s word priority in your daily life. Let the word of Christ dwell richly in you in all wisdom, then flow out of you in various streams of life (Col 3:16). It will produce wonderful life changing results. You owe it to yourself to be word informed!

We can never understand how important the expression of our faith is, until we are faced with a situation that demands the exercise of our faith.

In the meanwhile, start building your faith, do not wait until something happens to throw you off guard, before you begin to strengthen your faith. Do not rely on past experiences and past knowledge of the word, put yourself in remembrance of the word daily, so when times of testing comes and they are going come, you will be equipped to handle anything with the word in your mouth and God on your side.

 Be blessed.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

Ormelia Walcott


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