Should you Give Up, Cave in and Quit?

Never Stop believingWe have been dealing these past few weeks with faith and believing God as we pray daily and trust Him for our breakthrough.

How many times have you given up on praying for someone, something or a situation because you did not receive an answer, a breakthrough or see the fulfillment of what you were praying for? In many cases, it seems like the heavens were brass and nothing was happening, so you provided your own answer or came to your own conclusion.

Well, we have all been in this place before and as long as there is life, there will always be grounds of victory to cover, because we are moving from one level of life to another. So be encouraged today, you are not alone. The enemy’s plan for you is to give up, cave in and altogether quit on God’s plan, so that you never see the fulfillment of the promises in the specific areas you are believing for.

Consider Abraham, without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead and his wife Sarah’s body was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God (Rom 4:19-20). You see, this is our problem, when the facts stare us in the face, we have nothing to stare back with. So, it hits us off our feet and engulfs our minds and before we know it, we are caught in a web of unbelief and doubt so strong that we cannot cut ourselves free and this causes us to give up, cave in, and quit. The doctors might say, you have one month to live or there is cancer or some disease in your body, what will you do then? Take up the shield of faith and declare what the word says about your condition. Don’t be so quick to believe the facts that you ignore the truth. Don’t be dismayed or discouraged that you cave in and quit on the promise.

God did not put promises in the word so we could have a great historical lesson on his past supernatural abilities. He is the ancient of days but he is not ancient in ways. What he did then, he is well able to do now, with relevance and precision. Like Abraham, come into agreement with God’s word and you will never regret the results. Do not stop praying because you’ve been on it for five months, five years and nothing happened. Arm yourself with the word, get the doubt and unbelief out and get back on the word train. It may take longer, but you will get there and by the time you do, your faith would be stronger and your testimony powerful.

The greatest thing about this faith walk, is that it is not your job to figure out how everything is going to happen. As you do your daily prayer, your job is to pray, obey and say what God’s word says and leave the results to God.

Never give up on God’s promises for you, don’t cave in, in fear and never quit believing that his promises are yes and amen.

Advancing the kingdom of God in the earth!

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