Believing God and walking in confidence

God wants you to believe him and walk in confidence!

A very important part of our Christian experience comes from believing God. When you are confronted with a situation that requires much more than you can humanly possibly give, what will you do? David says “Trust in the Lord and be of good courage (Psalm 27:14).” We are careful to trust God for certain things, but when it comes to our future, crafts, careers and what’s in our hands, we tend to focus in on our self efforts. Discovering the world of greatness that God has in-store, awaits all who rely on him for help.  When David admonishes us to trust in the Lord he was speaking from experience. When David admonishes us to trust in the Lord he was speaking from experience.

There are some significant lessons that we can learn from David’s “God confidence” and allowing God to perfect his craft.

David came onto the scene upon his father’s request to take food and inquire of his brothers’ wellbeing. There he heard Goliath, the champion of the Philistines of Gath, hurling insults at the army of the Living God (1 Sam 17:23).

David’s “God confidence” kicks in

King Saul was told about David’s boldness and sent for him. What would cause this king to send for a young and inexperienced boy? Saul was desperate, forty days of Goliath’s threats were too long (1Samuel 17:8 -11). He needed a quick, workable plan. David encouraged Saul not to let any man’s heart fail because he will take on this Philistine.

What would cause David to stand boldly before the king and make such a promise, when he had never been in such a battle before? David’s “God confidence” kicks in. There was no doubt in his mind that Goliath would fall today. There was no fear, hesitation, indecisiveness in his heart concerning this battle. He was audacious and more courageous than the sum total of all Israel’s warriors together. His boldness captured the attention of King Saul and pushed him to believe as well.

Sharpening your skills

David was sharping his skills in the fields with the bear, the lion and whatever else. When you think of a little boy and a sling in an open field all day long, this would be a craft he would learn and master very quickly. David was sharp with his sling, it was a perfect tool in his hands, but yet he did not placed confidence in this tool alone, to get the job done. David knew he had the craft down packed, hitting Goliath square between his eyes on his forehead, was nothing short of a master marks man. Yet the power of God was needed to do a precise job. Don’t forget Goliath had his helmet, his shield and his breastplate on, he was well protected. Like David said to him; bravely, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head (1 Samuel 17: 45)”. David’s skill could take him thus far, but God’s power completed the assignment.

While you may have confidence in yourself and your craft, still put God first. God- reliance is healthier than self- reliance. Even if you are an expert, put God first. There may be a battle, test, trial, situation that your craft is not equipped enough to handle. There your “God confidence” kicks in. Let God take your abilities to another level. Express confidence in God and his ability to work miracles in your life. Sharpen your skills in the word of God, feed your spirit with the Daily Word and release it in the sling of prayer. Do not take it for granted, your prayer life cannot be successful without the word.  Take time to put the word of God in you and when you need your “God confidence” to kick in it will.

May your faith be stronger today than it ever was.

Walk in God confidence today!

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

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