Don’t let fear drive you, you drive it!

Do not fearFear is not your friend!

Fear in my view is one of the greatest hindrances in anyone’s life. We are not discussing the natural response to a physical life threatening stimulus or emotional danger that one experiences which ends in fight or flight. Many scholars view fear as important, in that it provides awareness of the presence of legitimate danger that threatens our lives. But the fear we are focusing on are the ones that are not necessarily life threatening, but may arises out of  past personal experiences, experiences of others, current prevailing situations and other factors we deem as necessary. There are many external limitations that no one can prevent from happening, but when fear is the determining factor for accomplishing or not accomplishing something, that fear must be dealt with accordingly. Fear is crippling and its purpose is to hold us back from moving on or forward with our plans. My prayer today is that we do not allow fear to be the determining factor in our doing all that God has called us to undertake.

There are some important things you need to know about fear

  1. Fear will often show up as your friend, not as your enemy.
  2. Fear will support your weaknesses, accept your mediocre attitude and pat you on the back when you procrastinate. Simply because its sole purpose is to keep you so occupied and self-absorbed in your own little world, that you are afraid to step outside of yourself.
  3. Fear will deceive you into thinking that anything beyond you will destroy you.
  4. Fear will sell you, the old trick in the book -you do not have enough resources, you are not qualified, you do not have experience, that’s way above your head, no one has ever done that before.
  5. Fear will always make you anxious about the things and events in the future that look threatening or unfavorable. Its main effort is to arouse feelings of inadequacy and hurriedness.
  6. Fear will cause you to become busy with many things without focusing completely on each of item individually.
  7. The opposite of fear is “God-Confidence”.
  8. Fear amplifies the negatives and diminishes the positives.
  9. God did not give you fear.

How to recognized fear?

What we do not realize is that many areas of regret and frustration may very well have their roots in fear. Fear produces insecurity, anxiety, worry, disillusionment, anger, dismay, disappointment and many more negative emotions. To recognize fear, you must examine your emotions, behaviors, and response to situations when they arise. There are always going to be a natural response to any negatives and positives in your life, but when there is a compulsive churning inside that creates feelings of discomfort and terror, you know fear is operating. When you recognize fear in its simplest form, don’t encourage it, resist it. God has not given us a spirit of fear. Declare the word of God and focus your attention on the positives.

What happens when fear dominates you?

Fear needs your permission to dominate you. Fear has no power or control over anyone unless it is willingly given. When we allow doubts and unbelief to fill our minds we have just created breeding grounds for fear to establish its foundation. When you question your ability and more importantly God’s ability to accomplish anything, fear steps in to create a comfort zone so you would not dare to venture out. Sometimes it presents a million and one reasons why, beware of the excuses of fear. The grip of fear can be subtle and should not be taken for granted.

In many instances I have had to break the domination of fear in my life. Many do not realize that fear controls every decision you make, it becomes your voice of reasoning, and in fact it takes over your sense of reasoning. Instead of being guided by the Holy Spirit and good judgment, you are now led by FEAR. Very soon your confidence is short lived, and your desires and excitement to do great things decreases. The stronghold of fear will create a false sense of security in what seems to be something of substance but amounts to be empty and futile. Fear is an un-welcomed guess that has warmed its way into your life and refuses to leave. But by your command the stronghold of fear can be broken.

 Fear will drive over you if you let it

In fighting any battle, it would be to our advantage if we are previewed to critical information, possess the best weapons and a well-trained team of fighters. Not only does this help us, but it also gives us the edge above our enemy. As believers we have all this combined, in fact our enemy has been whooped already, we have a preview of the future and our enemy is already defeated. What we are doing now is maintaining the victory that Jesus has already given to us. The victory over fear. If you let it, fear will run you over and take your over. We must know that, God has already made necessary provisions for us to overcome fear every time.

When God spoke to Jacob he said clearly, Fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and uphold you with my righteous right hand (Isa 41:10). In verse 14, God said I myself will help you, do not fear. I have experienced the crippling feelings of fear when I am pursuing things pertaining to my dream. Sometimes, the fear is so loud in head, telling me to quit, you can’t do it, but I do not allow fear to be in control, I get up and move forward despite the challenges.

The first emotion to arise after you are faced with something major is fear. Even if that major thing is something good. Every day we are awaken, we have a choice, to either step out in faith, or step out in fear. In fact, if we allow fear to intimidate us, we may never step out beyond ourselves. However, when faith governs our lives, launching out becomes an adventure with God. A very key fact to always consider is, fear does not come from God. It is not a part of God’s great package of salvation and spiritual gifts. Therefore, we need not encourage it in our lives. Claim what God has truly given to you- power, love and a sound mind. This is the disposition God wants you to possess today. The word is filled with faith, so as you feed yourself in the word daily, you starve your fears, cut its terrifying grip and stronghold over your life and establish total confidence in God.

 What does God’s word say about fear?

The Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to be anxious for nothing. Anxiety is seen by scholars as a natural reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. However, anxiety comes to a point where it cannot be controlled, so for some people it becomes excessive and moves to disorder. Paul tells us what to do from the beginning, and that is by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. In other words cast the care unto the Lord. Instead of carrying the care and worrying about it, present it to God. Give it to God, who is well able to take care of it. Philippians 4:7, shows us the results of casting the care on the Lord; “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

 7 strategies for dealing with fear and breaking its grip and domination over your life

  1. Define your fear. Find out exactly what you are afraid of and how to face your fears and overcome it. Follow your fear through the stages to the end. Is it work related, children related, spouse related, health related? Is there insufficiency, lack of resources, fear of the future, past, present, a dream that’s bigger than me, fear of making a presentation, fear of failing or fear of death? Defining your fear gives you an understanding of your fear and makes it easier for you to deal with the root and not just the symptoms.
  2. Vision is important when dealing with fear. Developing the end picture or the big picture bring things into perspective. The bible says where there is no vision the people perish. Every human being must have a vision. Whether you are a stay at home mom or an executive director, having a vision keeps you on course and on purpose.
  3. Although, a vision is necessary don’t allow it to drive you crazy. Develop realistic goals that you can attain to. Set the bar a little high and after you have reached rise it higher. According to Stacia Pierce Make small changes that are congruent with your desires. Start heading in the right direction. You needn’t not get there overnight, just as long as you get there.
  4. Be patient with the process you must take to achieve your life’s dream. Don’t always live in tomorrow, learn to live and enjoy today, while preparing for tomorrow. Don’t let fear make you feel like your plan is not working. Your dream may be big but start executing small. Enjoy the journey, you will build faith, resilience, and good character. Besides that you are perfecting your skills to be excellent at what you do. Be patient and work your plans faithfully, when you miss a day, take it up the next day and keep moving.
  5. Fear has a voice- you might realize it by now, but so do you.  You do not have to believe the false things it presents to you. Do not allow fear to keep speaking, the negatives, while you remain silent. You will soon become its captive. Your words are more powerful than your thoughts, the word of God says casting down imaginations and every high thoughts that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor10: 5). Words interrupt thoughts.
  6. Walk in love. For there is no fear in LOVE, perfect love casts out all fear, because fear has torment (1 John 4:18). Love is powerful, especially the love of God. Rest in the love God has for you. Learn to appreciate everything around you; your children, your spouse, your friends, your job and everything that pertains to you. God is love and as long as Christ dwells in you so does his love. love is powerful and when we know that God loves us and he has the best plans for us then, we live in that confidence.
  7. God confidence is key– when we become very self-reliant instead of God-reliant we find ourselves in trouble. Paul stated clearly, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength ( Phil. 4:13)

There will always be opportunities to fear, simply don’t take any.

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