Affecting the Nations

countries-world This is a great opportunity for us to change nations, because dominion belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations

There are so many things happening in our world today, right under our noses and right in our cities and neighborhoods. It almost seems as if we are powerless, ineffective or out of touch with the rapid changes in the world. Yet I believe that the church, the body of Christ must face these challenges head on with love and with the sword of the Spirit. If we haven’t noticed, the warfare is getting more and more fierce because the devil knows that his time is near.

Jesus has already won the ultimately victory, therefore we must fight because we already know what our opponent does not, we have the victory. We read the end and it says we won, we hold that victory in our hands. Thus, among all the many disturbing social and political issues that arise in the nations, the church must stand up and speak to these issues.

The church of Jesus Christ, is by no means dead or debilitated in its ability to wage a mighty warfare. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph6:12).” We must understand like Joy Dawson says, God is the ruling, reigning, monarch of the universe. The things that we see happening all around us are no big deal when we consider His unparalleled greatness. The nations shrink down to their true proportions in light of His magnitude. Things can never get too out of control for God like they do for man.

As kings and priests in the earth, I ask you, to pray for the advancement of the kingdom of God in the nations of the earth daily.

We have the power the speak to nations, to be opened to the gospel.

We have the power to speak to the power of darkness over the nations, commanding those strongholds to be broken.

We have the power to pull down the strongholds over the government of nations, turning the minds of legislators to God’s principles. Praying that the fear of the Lord will rest on the government of nations.

Pray that the Lord uses His people working in the ministry as well as those working in the secular fields to draw unbelievers to him.

Pray that the testimony of pastors, bishops, prophets and Christians in general remain in tact and that our lives are a living example of Christ likeness.

Pray that the Lord of the harvest will make us bold witnesses for him in our sphere of influence. Pray for missionaries in hostile mission fields; that the Lord would give them break through among the people and in the language of the people.

Pray that hostile nations like China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Mali, Columbia are open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray for a move of God in the United States government, that God will have His way, and this nation will acknowledge the true and living God and live by his standards.

The Devil will do all he can to advance his kingdom in the earth, but what will you do with yours? Your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, it has no end. This is your opportunity, just on your knees, with your faith filled words change the course of nations.

Why not start today! God is counting on you.

Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

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