Cultivate the right seeds

Cultivate the right seeds

Cultivating the seeds that God has placed in our hearts is absolutely important for our growth and security as victorious believers. God never plant seeds in our lives that produce destruction, failure, depression, sickness, hurts, frustration, defeat and death. The seeds God plants in our lives are destined to produce good spiritual fruit until Jesus comes. This seed has the power and ability to produce spiritual development and abundant life in us, but the success of this seed depends on us.

What seeds are you allowing to germinate in your life?

When you allow seeds of fear to germinate in your life, you will produce fruits of frustration, uncertainty, anger and unbelief. This negative seed is cultivated when your attention is focused on the world’s way of getting things done and not on the word. When you seek out the world’s answers and high thoughts, you will discover much fear. The world’s answers and solutions are short lived, because of the uncertainty and rapid changes in the world systems. Seeds of love, faith and the word will germinate and produce fruits of joy, peace, security, goodness and the list goes on. However, there must be fertile ground and consistent nourishment that must be given to the seed.

Sow seeds that provide good spiritual nourishment for your well-being, feed on the greatest life supply ever given to man-the incorruptible word of God.

Be Blessed.
Advancing the Kingdom of God in the earth!

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