
About Page

Porfile for wordpress 2I am delighted that God has placed this wonderful task in my heart to start a prayer blog. Prayer has always been one of the things that I have been very passionate about, ever since I was in high school. I have had some challenges in my life and I soon discovered that prayer works every time. As a result, I have seen God’s intervention in every changing season in my life and my family’s lives.

I am an Entrepreneur, a wife, a teacher but more importantly I am a mom and a woman who loves God. For seven years I have been a full -time mom while taking care of children in my home. Both have been rewarding and very satisfying. When I decided to do this, I was very reluctant, because I had tried a few things in pursuit of owning my own business but they did not work out. Although I felt a bit like a failure, these years I have been home have been very productive in discovering myself and more importantly God’s plan in the process. The beauty for ashes has birthed Book, sermon, ministry, businesses and much more. God knows exactly what he is doing and He does it very well.

I believe with all my heart that God has chosen me for a purpose and while I was in the background, in the dark, in the unknown, He was teaching me to get to know him better so that I can more effectively and passionately make him known to the world. God became my world, His word was truly the Lamp unto my feet and a light to my pathway. I knew that his banner over me is love, regardless of what was happening in my life.

In the midst of the storm the word of the Lord came to me, as the Lord spoke clearly and emphatically; ” you have not chosen me but I have chosen you and called you to the nations. Therefore, study my word to show yourself approved unto me a workman rightly dividing the word of truth. He made it clear, that his word was in my mouth so I needed to declare it and speak it forth daily. This has also birthed a passion in my heart to pray for the salvation and deliverance of every nation, secular leaders, spiritual leaders and all saints like Paul admonished.

This blog comes from a place of surrender, love and inspiration. I call it Ormy Prayer Notes simply because it comes out of my times of prayer and talking with God.  It is designed to encourage, stir, push, empower and teach everyone about the goodness of God. There is a whole New world of great discoveries when we take time out to simply talk with Jesus.

Ormyprayernotes is a work in progress and there’s so much more to share with you, over time. My prayer is that you will understand that God’s love toward you is the purest, kindest love you will ever experience. His desire is for us to have a wonderful communication with him everyday of our lives, as he intended in the garden of Eden with the first family. He has not lost that desire, his heart beats for his creation to get out of their world and into his. That place of intimacy is most amazing and thrilling, if we will just take the time to love on him.

Be blessed as you read and pray!

Prayer is your greatest weapon!